Mana Ahuriri Holdings Update

Mana Ahuriri Holdings Update

Kia ora e te Whanau,

About time for an update on the mahi, that has been going on. Fair to say there has been a lot going on, and a lot to update you all on. Mana Ahuriri Holdings LP (MAHLP) have had a busy period of activity since our last update on our property programme.


We are pleased to confirm our Joint Venture with Hapai Housing is almost fully confirmed and we look forward to the outcomes and benefits of this JV with Hapai Housing in the delivery of our Accelerated Housing Programme (AHP), that will deliver direct housing outcomes and benefits for our members.
Hapai Housing for those who did not receipt the last update are a collective Iwi vehicle that partners with Mana Whenua. It is exciting to be partnering with other Māori and Iwi entities in the development of whenua; and we look forward to the potential of also working with our other Kahungunu Post Settlement Group Entities (PSGE’s) as part of this initiative.
In the delivery of AHP, we have receipted resource consent for our Owen Street and Wharerangi – Te Roropipi DSP sites, and consent as you may have read has been lodged for 65 Munroe Street, Napier.

Wharerangi – Te Roropipi – Proposed Master Plan

Munroe Street – Proposed Resource Consent Image

Owen Street – Consented development

In total close to 400 housing outcomes will be delivered, of which we hope to have as many members as possible take up the opportunity to access a range of housing solutions. The JV will be working closely with Ka Uruora who will help to support whanau through their housing journey, Further details will be shared with members well in advance of any housing becoming available.

Over the coming months we will also update all members on what direct contracting opportunities may be available; with a desire to ensure as many Mana Ahuriri and Māori business can participate in the delivery of the works, where is makes commercial sense to do so.
Please watch this space!


MAHLP has over the past 5 months been working closely with our neighbouring Post Settlement Group Entities (PSGE’s) in progressing our aspirations to have Ahuriri Station included within the Councils (Napier/ Hastings) Future Development Strategy (FDS). The sole purpose of having Ahuriri Station included is to ensure our options for the future use are protected and our rights are recognised.

This has resulted in some robust discussions by our Rangatira with Councils Rangatira to ensure our rights and aspirations are protected, resulting in mediation pending.

On a positive note, our aspirations have been recognised by Crown with the inclusion of Ahuriri Station in the Fast Track, one of 149 projects nationally and 1 of only 6 in the Hawkes Bay Region.
As we have confirmed prior it is our intention to wananga with our whanau on Ahuriri Station to ensure all of our whanau views are taken and given consideration in any proposed master plan for Ahuriri Station.

We will be communicating with whanau towards the end of the year, once we have some clarity on the Fast Track legislation and the future of the site in the FDS; at which point we can engage in meaningful way with all.

Our works with Crown in agreeing a transfer value for Ahuriri Station are ongoing with a range of complex issues associated with the property still remaining to be resolved and a final purchase price to be agreed.


MAHLP have lodged its Notice of Interest for the Mataruahou (Hospital Hill) properties; this has followed Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) completing the removal of the remaining Maternity buildings on site.

Napier Nurses Home – now removed.

MAHLP will be working through the Crown process for the acquisition of the sites. As we work through this process, we will be undertaking further due diligence on what the future may present for the sites, and we will keep you informed as we progress.


Works are ongoing in confirming the future use and transfer values with Crown for the Severn Street properties.

These are complex properties with a range of complex property issues – due to the former uses and activities on the site; that need to be carefully worked through.

The team have been working hard on reconciling these issues and ensuring our valuer and Crowns is aware of the issues to ensure any end transfer value is reflective of the true value of the site.

Over the coming months we hope to have a clear direction on where to from here.


MAHLP have finally confirmed a carparking agreement with Car park for Pakake, this will see the removal of the concrete blocks which have prevented people from illegally parking on the site.

The agreement will provide much needed carparking for Ahuriri and will recover our costs of ownership.

This is a short-term agreement as we work through the options for this very special piece of whenua.

Whanau, please be sure to ensure when the carpark is live that you pay for your parking when parking at Pakake to avoid any fines or enforcement.


We look forward to updating you all further on our property kaupapa at the next AGM, where I am sure you will have lots of questions.

Ngā mihi nui

Mana Ahuriri Holdings Team


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