Agreement in Principle

The confirmed date from the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Settlements, the Honorable Christopher Finlayson for the signing of our Agreement in Principle (AIP) was, 3:30pm on the 19th December 2013 in Wellington.
Buses departed from Napier, Pukemokimoki Marae, and the Nimons Bus depot in Whakatu, Hastings.
Beverley Kemp‐Harmer and Tania Huata coordinated the buses and travel arrangements for the whanau that took part in that significant day in the history of our people.
The confirmed date from the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Settlements, the Honorable Christopher Finlayson for the signing of our Agreement in Principle (AIP) was, 3:30pm on the 19th December 2013 in Wellington.
Buses departed from Napier, Pukemokimoki Marae, and the Nimons Bus depot in Whakatu, Hastings.
Beverley Kemp‐Harmer and Tania Huata coordinated the buses and travel arrangements for the whanau that took part in that significant day in the history of our people.
Deed of Settlement
The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, the Honorable Christopher Finlayson signed the Deed of Settlement (DOS) on the 2nd November 2016 in Wellington at Parliament House.
The settlement provides an acknowledgement, apology and redress for the Crown’s historical breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Financial and commercial redress includes $19.5 million and the right to buy shares in the Kaweka and Gwavas Crown Forest Licensed lands. Pakake, Heipipi Pa Historic Reserve and Conservation House in Napier will be vested in Ahuriri Hapū as part of their cultural redress.
The settlement will also establish a permanent statutory committee called Te Komiti Muriwai o Te Whanga to protect and enhance the environmental, economic, social, spiritual, historical and cultural values of Te Muriwai o Te Whanga (Ahuriri Estuary) for present and future generations.
Here are some photographs of the whanau that attended the signing of the Deed of Settlement, another significant day in the history of our people.

Te Muriwai o te Whanga

The Ahuriri Hapū Claims Settlement Act 2021 and Deed of Settlement established a new joint committee called Te Komiti Muriwai o te Whanga (Te Komiti). Te Komiti has representatives from Mana Ahuriri, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, Napier City Council and the Department of Conservation.
The purpose of Te Komiti is to promote the protection and enhancement of the environmental, economic, social, spiritual, historical and cultural values of Te Muriwai o te Whanga for present and future generations.
Te Komiti has many functions, including establishing a vision for Te Muriwai o te Whanga; promoting understanding of and advocating for Te Muriwai o te Whanga; monitoring and reporting on the health of Te Muriwai o te Whanga; working alongside stakeholders; and seeking funding opportunities to support the health and wellbeing of Te Muriwai o te Whanga. In the early establishment of Te Komiti, the
primary focus is on the preparation of Te Muriwai o te Whanga Plan. Whilst an official vision, objectives and desired outcomes have not yet been finalised, it is clear from early korero that Te Komiti are fixed on a future that sees the restoration of the mauri of Te Whanga, and a return to the days when Te Whanga provided for its people.