Mana Ahuriri Board of Trustees

Te Kaha Hawaikirangi 


Ko Ngāti Pārau, Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāi Tawhao me Ngāti Mahu ōku hapū, Ko Pānia te tipua nō te iwi Ponaturi.

For the last decade, I have been committed to restoring a healthy and thriving environment for all hapū of Ahuriri, and will continue to do so if elected. I will also focus on uplifting important matters including improving social and economic outcomes for whānau, hapū, and marae. I hold a strong passion for supporting our rangatahi through leading wānanga in connection with whakapapa, whenua and moana.   

I will act with integrity and transparency in addition to strengthening accountability and connection to Ahuriri Hapū and Marae. I live with my wife and children in our whānau papakāinga in Waiohiki, we enjoy regular walks along the Tūtaekurī Awa, Te Whanga, and up Ōtātara Pā and Hikurangi Maunga.   In my professional capacity, I work as a programme manager on conservation and RMA matters. My experience in governance roles includes: East Coast HB Conservation Board, Ātea a Rangi Education Trust, Te Wai Mauri Charitable Trust, Maori Land Blocks, Waiohiki Marae, Council Māori Committee, Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust. I have completed governance training through Te Whare Hukahuka, GHA, and the Institute of Directors.  

Ngā manaakitanga.

Evelyn Nukumai Te Mangai Ratima

Deputy Chair

Kia whai kororia honore hareruia, Kia Ihoa o ngā mano o Te Matua, Tama,

Wairua Tapu me ngā Anahera Pono me te Mangai Amine.

Born on Te Rei o Tangoio, the daughter of Joe and Hinei Reti MarangaTu HeTaua. Tangoio Whakapapa to all seven Hapu & Trustee of Mana Ahuriri since 2009. Nominated by my brother Fred Reti and now the last of the original Trustees representing Mana Ahuriri. Ko Evelyn Ratima QSM ahau. He kaiako o Te kōhanga Reo o Whakatu, ka whakaako ahau i o tātou rangatahi mo apopo. He Kaikaranga hoki ahau mo to tatou marae. He Kaitiaki hoki mo te Marae o Tangoio. Our kaumātua Heitia Hiha introduced me to the HDC Wastewater committee in 2016 as his replacement where I represent Mana Ahuriri to this day. I sit as the Kuia for MCA Multi Cultural Association. I’m one of four kaumatua who sit with the Judge of the day supporting our youth @ Te Kooti Rangatahi in Heretaunga. My passion:  Our marae, our culture, our people, “Te Mana O Ahuriri”!

 “Community Driven, People Led, Whānau focused.”  That’s me!

Tipene Cottrell

He uri au nō ngā hapū o Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Maahu, Ngāi Tawhao. Currently, I’m on Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu, ECOED Trust, Wharerangi Marae Trust and the Napier Port Mana Whenua Steering Committee.

I teach local Māori history in kura around Hawkes Bay and I sit on two Kāhui Matauranga including Porritt School and Tamatea High. I am a cultural and environmental consultant for Pan Pac and Fish and Game Hawkes Bay helping them develop their cultural practices as well as support our native ecosystems. Our kaupapa, Te Ngahere, does pest control and restoration in the Kaweka Forest and we help monitor our kiwi population and other species.

I am proud to represent our marae on the Ahuriri Catchment Group and support the Mangaone Catchment which aims to enhance the mauri of our awa.I’m passionate about our taiao and our wāhi tapu. It’s really important to us all that we protect the sacred sites we have left for future generations. Our claim has been a big journey for Ahuriri and I will do my best, along with support from our pakeke to make our dreams come to reality.

Mauri Ora!

Peter Eden

My whakapapa through my Tipuna, Rewi Haukore connects me to the hapū of Mana Ahuriri.

Ko Wai Au? Ko Peter Eden ahau. I have three adult children Alecia, Peter, Alby and my partner Andrea keeps our whare moving in a positive space. I can contribute and provide a varied wealth of knowledge in many ways to meet the aspirations of Mana Ahuriri through my work and life experiences, and the current governance and senior board positions I hold in both commercial and social sectors.

I can support the implementation of strategies to build on employment and business opportunities for Mana Ahuriri. Members through my current role as a Labour Market Manager.I hold a range of positions for example as Marae chairperson of Moteo Marae to Finance and Audit Hawkes Bay Regional Council.

In terms of Taiao, I am heavily involved on a local, regional and national scale on kaupapa such as Wai, Pests,and Restoration. I am currently RMA certified Commissioner. Whakapapa, whanau, and hapū are important as we build the capacity of Mana Ahuriri to meet the aspirations of its members.My wish for my and all whanau is to provide a better future for our tamariki. This includes well-paid employment, good health, and a nurturing whare to support tamariki towards a great future. This is something that Mana Ahuriri can provide as they build as an organisation.

Tania Eden

Masters Public Management QSM – Queens Service Medal Services to the Community

 ‘Heipipi ki te Raki, Kohukete ki te Uru, Mataruahou ki te Moana, Otatara ki te Tonga’.     

Over the last 2 years as a trustee and chair of Mana Ahuriri I have maintained honesty, transparency and integrity to work tirelessly for our people, whānau, marae and hapū.  Working hard to settle our claim on March 3rd last year and restructuring the Commercial Board to ensure transparency and growth was a priority for me.  Now as we move to build prosperity and strengthen our role as Kaitiaki for Ahuriri I am committed to ensuring our future is economically strong for our people. The last 2 years has been extremely challenging with Covid and Cyclone Gabrielle and I remain committed to ensuring our families are looked after no matter what challenges we face. The next phase is really important as we navigate through a plan to build houses, set up Te Muriwai o Te Whanga, build our culture and identity and provide a better future for our people.  I will continue to ensure we have honest, open and transparent processes and that our people are at the heart of everything we do.

Harlem-Cruz Atarangi Ihaia

Ko Takitimu te waka, ko Maungaharuru, ko Ōtātara, me Hikurangi ngā maunga,
Ko Tangitū te moana,
Ko Waiohinganga te awa,
Ko Tangoio me Petane ngā marae,
Ko Ngāti Tū me Ngāti Matepū ngā hapū,
Ko Hatepa (Maggie) Ihaia tōna tipuna,
Ko Harlem-Cruz Ihaia te mokopuna nei.

Harlem-Cruz is a mokopuna of Te Whāriki o te Kōhanga Reo o Waiohiki Marae and a raukura of Te Aho Matua o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Ara Hou. She has a Bachelor of Māori Arts Degree, Tohu Whakapakari Tino Rangatiratanga,and a Diploma in Health and Well-being. During the day she is the owner and director of Purotu Limited which is a grassroots wahine youth development kaupapa in the Hawkes Bay region and at night enjoys whānau time with her partner and 2 sons. Harlem-Cruz is most recognised for her achievement of winning the title of Miss Universe New Zealand in 2017 where she proudly represented and advocated for her country, culture and whānau on an international scale.

 “He mokopuna taku iti, he tipuna taku rahi”

Being young and Māori is her superpower, she understands and acknowledges the past and brings foresight and vision for a sustainable future for Mana Ahuriri.

Joe Reti

Kia mihi atu tuatahi kia ihoa o nga mano. Ka mihi atu kia koutou katoa

Ka Katia Tangitu Ka Tuwhera a Maunga Haruru Ka Katia Maunga Haruru Ka Tuwhera a Tangitu

No Tangoio Myself and my wife Karina have been together for fourty years bringing up our son, two daughters and severly involed with our seven mokopuna.As a child a I was brought up in the suburb’s of Maraenui and Onekawa. My work history in the early years was Landscaping, Demolition working on building sites, modifying shipping containers and now i work for Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu in The Taiao space. Helping to set our whenua into a condition as it once was.

I am currently on the Board in The Taiao area working along The Department of Conservation, Napier City Council HB Regional Council and also Local Resident around Te Whanganui a Orotu. I like this idea of following in his footsteps of my father Joseph Te O Tane Reti and also my tuakana Fredrick Roy Maadi Reti and i like to also acknowledge others who have carried the mantel for our people.

Kia ora koutou katoa.

Chad Tareha

Ngāti Pārau, Ngāti Kahungunu

Kia ora e te iwi o Ahuriri nei. I Chair the Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust, the Marine Cultural Health Programme at the Port of Napier, I am a Trustee of the Ruahāpia Marae, and I am a first term Napier City Councillor, for the Taradale Ward. Through the Napier City Council, I am the Environment and Sustainability Portfolio holder, I am a member of the Hearings Committee, Joint Waste Future Projects Steering Committee, Omarunui Joint Refuse Landfill Committee, and I also sit on the Art Deco Trust, Future Development Strategy Joint Committee, and the Ahuriri Regional Park. Through my many mana whenua potae I have helped create and lead many kaupapa that has brought many positive changes to the community for mana whenua of Ahuriri, our environment and marine and coastal areas. I am a big advocate for the protection of our Taiao for the benefit of future generations, and enjoy working with our tamariki mokopuna. Over the past 3 years, I have advocated for all seven mana whenua hapū of Ahuriri and will continue to do so.

Morehu Te Tomo

Ko tēnei te mokopuna o ngā marae maha o Ahuriri

Tēnā Koutou kei ōku nui kei ōku rahi

With the support of my whānau whānui, I believe I have the skills and abilities to help lead our PSGE into the future. Brought up with many wonderful kaumatua and kuia, influenced in Kapahaka and many Whare Wānanga have given me a solid grounding in a holistic pathway in Te Ao Māori. Working in the Corporate world for 30 years has provided me with a great foundation on what is needed to be successful in the Western world. An IT background allowed me to build systems, Project Manage high-level production with experience in BA. The Director of Māori Partnerships in the Napier City Council has built a pathway to strengthen our relationships with Mana Whenua o Ahuriri. I have an understanding of dealing with the Crown. We work to normalise Te Ao Māori in the Council. Providing advice to all staff on Tikanga and Kawa, introducing staff to Te Tiriti frameworks etc.

Āku mihi ki a koutou katoa

Nā Mōrehu

Mana Ahuriri Holdings Limited Partnership

Mike Pohio


He uri au nō Henare Pohio

Ko Ngati Kahungunu me Ngati Pikiao me Ngai Tahu ngā iwi

I have the privilege of being appointed Chairman of Mana Ahuriri Holdings LP in 2022 and dedicate my experience for the betterment of our people.

I am currently also Chairman of Rotoiti 15 LP and Whakapoungakou 24 LP and a director on the boards of Kiwi Group Capital and Argosy Property.

I have previously been the Chairman and Chief Executive and director of Ngai Tahu Holdings and CEO of Tainui Group Holdings.

I have also been a director on the boards of Transpower, NIWA, Panuku Development Auckland, Kiwirail and a range of other companies.

I am a Chartered Fellow of the NZ Institute of Directors and a Chartered Accountant Fellow of the Chartered Accountants, Australia & New Zealand.

Shayne Walker

Deputy Chair

Iwi: Ngāti Whatumamoa, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa
Hapū: Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Mahu, Ngai Tāwhao, Ngāi Tahu Matawhaiti, Ngāti Hine, Ngai Te Ipu, Ngāti Hinepua.

Shayne is a seasoned executive and governance leader with previous roles such as Chair of the Hawkes Bay District Health Board, CEO of Ngāti Porou Holdings and BNZ Head of Māori Business.

Shayne currently provides māori economic development support to a number of boards and clients and is on the Wharerangi Marae komiti and paepae and is a Trustee of Te Awahohonu Forest Trust.

With a focus on maximizing opportunities for whānau through balanced economic models, Shayne is an advocate for whānau first.

Richard Hilton


Ko Otātara te maunga
Ko Tutaekuri te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Tareha te tipuna
Ko Waiohiki tōku marae
Ko Ngāti Pārau tōku hapū
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi
Ko Dick Hilton tōku ingoa 

Richard Hilton is a results-driven leader with extensive experience in strategic planning and major development project delivery. His career is built on a foundation of strong ethical principles and honest communication.

Richard excels in fostering partnerships across diverse sectors, including engineering, architecture, local government, and charitable organizations, to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for businesses and communities.

With a proven track record in managing major capital projects, Richard brings valuable experience in strategic oversight, risk management, and system review. His ability to engage effectively with stakeholders and drive process improvements has been instrumental in delivering successful outcomes across various projects and industries.

Richard’s diverse skill set and commitment to ethical practices make him a valuable asset in leadership roles, particularly in contexts requiring strategic vision, project management expertise, and the ability to build strong, productive relationships across different sectors.

Tania Eden

Masters Public Management QSM – Queens Service Medal Services to the Community

 ‘Heipipi ki te Raki, Kohukete ki te Uru, Mataruahou ki te Moana, Otatara ki te Tonga’.     

Over the last 2 years as a trustee and chair of Mana Ahuriri I have maintained honesty, transparency and integrity to work tirelessly for our people, whānau, marae and hapū.  Working hard to settle our claim on March 3rd last year and restructuring the Commercial Board to ensure transparency and growth was a priority for me.  Now as we move to build prosperity and strengthen our role as Kaitiaki for Ahuriri I am committed to ensuring our future is economically strong for our people. The last 2 years has been extremely challenging with Covid and Cyclone Gabrielle and I remain committed to ensuring our families are looked after no matter what challenges we face. The next phase is really important as we navigate through a plan to build houses, set up Te Muriwai o Te Whanga, build our culture and identity and provide a better future for our people.  I will continue to ensure we have honest, open and transparent processes and that our people are at the heart of everything we do.

Te Kaha Hawaikirangi 


Ko Ngāti Pārau, Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāi Tawhao me Ngāti Mahu ōku hapū, Ko Pānia te tipua nō te iwi Ponaturi.

For the last decade, I have been committed to restoring a healthy and thriving environment for all hapū of Ahuriri, and will continue to do so if elected. I will also focus on uplifting important matters including improving social and economic outcomes for whānau, hapū, and marae. I hold a strong passion for supporting our rangatahi through leading wānanga in connection with whakapapa, whenua and moana.   

I will act with integrity and transparency in addition to strengthening accountability and connection to Ahuriri Hapū and Marae. I live with my wife and children in our whānau papakāinga in Waiohiki, we enjoy regular walks along the Tūtaekurī Awa, Te Whanga, and up Ōtātara Pā and Hikurangi Maunga.   In my professional capacity, I work as a programme manager on conservation and RMA matters. My experience in governance roles includes: East Coast HB Conservation Board, Ātea a Rangi Education Trust, Te Wai Mauri Charitable Trust, Maori Land Blocks, Waiohiki Marae, Council Māori Committee, Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust. I have completed governance training through Te Whare Hukahuka, GHA, and the Institute of Directors.  

Ngā manaakitanga.

Our Kaimahi

Parris Greening

General Manager


E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karanga maha, tēnā tātou.

He mokopuna tēnei o Ngāti Kahungunu, o Rangitane o Tainui hoki.

My upbringing was humble, where I was taught from a young age to work hard, be resilient to things around you and be self-reliant. I married my sweetheart and we have raised 7 tamariki and are enjoying seeing our mokopuna come into this world. I was schooled in Hastings and Hamilton and progressed education at Te Wanaga o Raukawa and Massey University. I hold and Executive Master of Business Administration, Diploma’s in Social Services, Māori and Māori Tourism and qualified in Whanau Ora.

I was appointed as the General Manager November 2022 where I have been able to support the growth and development of our various strategic plans; Te Ara Whakamua, Te Muriwai o Te Whanga, Environmental Plan and Commercial Plans.

Having forged a career in Community and Kaupapa Māori Services for 25 years I bring experience in social, health, economic, education and community development sectors. Responsible for leading and implementing change programmes towards whanau oranga, commissioning activities and designing wellbeing outcome frameworks for operations and for strategic partnership alignments. I’m excited to bring this skill set into Mana Ahuriri to operationalise our strategic plans and uphold our settlement to benefit nga uri o nga hapu toko whitu.

Linkedin Profile

Chelsea Olsen

Projects Co-ordinator


He uri tēnei no ngā hapū o Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Maahu, Ngai Tawhao, Ngāti Tū, Ngai Te Ruruku, Ngāti Matepu, no ngā marae o Moteo, Timikara, Wharerangi, Tangoio, Petane.

In my previous role, I was deeply involved with Te Kohanga Reo Kaupapa for seven years. During this time, I had the opportunity to contribute to and grow within this esteemed organization. Fostering the growth of te reo Māori and helping whānau connect with their language and cultural kaupapa is vital for the preservation and flourishing of Māori culture.

I am particularly proud of empowering educators to lead in their own way, which can truly enrich the learning experience for everyone involved. As much as I enjoyed my years in Te Kohanga Reo Kaupapa, I felt the need to challenge myself and open myself up to other opportunities. When Mana Ahuriri Trust had an opening for the Senior Admin position, I was proud and privileged to be the first Kaimahi and a descendant of the Trust.

During my time as Senior Administrator, I had the privilege of contributing to the organization’s growth and success through various administrative and operational tasks. This role allowed me to develop a deep understanding of our projects and workflows, and it has been incredibly rewarding to support our mission in this capacity.

As I step into the role of Project Lead, I am excited about the opportunity to take on new challenges and responsibilities. In this position, I will be focusing on key responsibilities and projects. My goal is to leverage my experience and skills to drive successful outcomes and continue to support our organization’s objectives.

I am grateful for the trust and support that Mana Ahuriri Trust has provided me throughout my journey, and I look forward to contributing to our future successes in this new capacity.

Tara Brown

Administration Manager


Ko Heipepi tōku Maunga
Ko Waiohinganga tōku Awa
Ko Takitimu tōku Waka
Ko Ngāti Matepū, Ngāti Whakaari ōku Hapū
Ko Ngati Kahungunu te Iwi
Ko Petane tōku Marae
Ko Brown tōku Whānau

Kia ora koutou,

Ko Tara Brown tōku ingoa.

I have recently come home to Ahuriri after 12 years in Brisbane. I felt a pull and need to return home to reconnect and immerse myself in my whakapapa, tikanga and te reo Maori so that my Tamariki can also learn and understand where they come from.

I am a Mama to 4 Tamariki, Paora, Te Koha, Marley and Manaia and the behalf of my partner Ponti Kemp.

I bring to Mana Ahuriri Trust 15 years of Office Administration and Accounts experience. I am looking forward to bringing structure, organisation and being a welcoming point of contact for our Whānau.

“Whakamuri ki ō maunga, ki ō awa, ki ō Marae, me tō whenua kia whai whānau ai te whakapapa”

Tiana Edwards

RMA Analyst/Projects


Ko Tawhirirangi tōku Maunga
Ko Mohaka tōku Awa
Ko Takitimu tōku Waka
Ko Māwete tōku Hapū
Ko Waipapa a iwi tōku Marae
Ko Ray Edwards tōku papa
Ko Michelle Edwards tōku mama
Nō Ngati Kahungunu, Ngāti Pahauwera, Ngai Tai, me Ruapani ki Waikaremoana ahau 
Ko Tiana Edwards ahau

Kia ora koutou,

Ko Tiana Edwards tōku ingoa.

I am the RMA analyst and part of the taiao team at Mana Ahuriri Trust. I was raised in Heretaunga and was fortunate enough to be Head Girl and Dux of Karamu High school. I acknowledge whānau and key Kaiako for their support and encouragement. I graduated in 2023 from the University of Otago with a background in environmental management and chemistry. I spent 6 months as a PwC intern where I was privileged to contribute to the Te Muriwai o Te Whanga masterplan before starting at Mana Ahuriri. I have key interests in climate change, coastal management and biodiversity which drives my passion for my mahi with Te Whanganui-ā-Orotu and wider Taiao. I hope to contribute to changes in te taiao that benefit future generations.

Ka ora te wai, Ka ora te whenua. Ka ora te whenua, Ka ora te tangata

Tim Whaitiri Henderson

Communications Co-ordinator


Ko Horouta rāua ko Takitimu ōku waka
Ko Maungahaumi rāua ko Kahurānaki ōku maunga
Ko Waipaoa rāua ko Ngaruroro ōku awa
Ko Ngāti Rongowhakaata rāua ko Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga ōku iwi
Ko Tim Whaitiri Henderson tōku ingoa

Kia ora koutou

I am a father of 4 beautiful tamariki, Sian, Kahu, Noah and Amo.  Sian lives in Sydney and I’m part-time dad to my 3 boys aged  9, 11 and 13 who are growing up way too fast.

I’ve just come from the social sector where I managed a peer support service for a nation-wide organisation called Tautoko Tāne based in Hastings.

I’m a practicing Digital Artist and bring a broad range of skills to help tell the stories of Ahuriri Hapu, to connect with whanau and keep them informed as Mana Ahuriri Trust grows and moves positively into the future.