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Te Muriwai o te Whanga Official Launch

Waiohiki Marae 40-44 Waiohiki Road, RD3, Waiohiki, Ahuriri, Te Matau a Māui, New Zealand

Ko rua te paia ko Te Whanga

He Kainga to te Ata

He Kainga ka Awatea

He Kainga ka Ahiahi e

Nau mai, haere mai ki te whakarewatanga o te Muriwai o Te Whanga.

Nei ngā hua nā rātou mā i whārikitia hei manako mā tatou ngā uri whakaheke.

You are warmly invited to join us for the official launch and adoption of the Te Muriwai o te Whanga Plan. This is a significant milestone for Mana Ahuriri in taking steps towards revitalising Te Whanganui ā Orotū and Te Muriwai o te Whanga, and in meeting our obligations outlined in the Ahuriri Hapū Claims Settlement Act 2021.